Walk out to a world of possiblities!

Do you spend a good chunk of time complaining about having a routine? The same thing eeeeveryday?

You already know this but… you are wasting the time complaining when you can be making discoveries! (Weekends count as time or spare time during the week too!)

If you think about it, we are capable of nearly anything (we aren’t super natural so don’t have high expectations of being at five places at one time).

If you find yourself bored, do something your passionate about. Do not neglect your love for what may seem to be impractical…because who cares *keep it safe*. If we don’t find time to do what we love, we will be miserable. Get up, get out (if your an artist try drawing, singing, dancing, film shooting outside).

Step out of your routine.


Are we speaking in image?


That sounds a tad funny, but is it true?

When was the last time you read something?

Will Facebook will soon be the new (not going to say ….ahhh….Myspace…I’m in my twenties I swear).

Are words no longer capable of creating imagery?

Screw that! I don’t believe images will become our new language.

Gosh, that would make college wayyy more simpler and interesting. Yeah right, have you heard all those student complain about their art history class. “How am I suppose to remember who took that picture.” Like kido that’s a painting.

Let’s bring back the love for writing like trendy clothing stores always try to bring back neon colors back to style. (Like can you stop? I’m an introvert, no attention needed!)

Bring out the dancing lobsters! Enjoy your day.


Determination Leads to Success

Success is the big picture, the big bang, what we (should) want….

It is the goal. Not the beginning (although one can argue that beginning is success but any who…)

The beginning starts with determination. Determination is displayed in your walk, talk, and mind-set. And trust me people will notice because you are involved, dedicated, and create an empowering environment. Bam, you have achieved respect.

Being determined will open sooo many doors, without feeling like you are trying (which you sure as **** are!) I’m talking about job opportunities, community recognition, self-confidence, and so many rewarding emotions that you will only feel for a short amount of time.

Determination is a small word for the amount of activity it will bring to the life you want to live.

What do you think?


What you waiting for?

Take a chance you stupid hoe

Are you a writer?

Well let me give you some advice: ALWAYS CARRY A PEN AND PAPER!

Ever get those amazing ideas (story, poem, song, etc) that just pop in your mind and you do nothing about it because your sleeping, on the bus, showering.

… You let it go by “I’ll remember to write it later….”

Don’t blame it on writer’s block when you can’t remember what the amazing idea was! Seriously stop being lazy and get your ass up and WRITE IT DOWN! 

Who knows it could be the start of it all, yes, yes indeed!

Carry on.